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observatory [2015/07/13 15:02]
observatory [2019/06/06 11:16] (current)
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 +===== Cyprus EMEA Observatory =====
-This is a humble attempt to set-up or to begin thinking about setting-up an independent ​Cyprus-based Europe, Middle East and Africa Web / Internet ​Observatory. The purpose ​is to collect ​and analyze data, and routes ​of data through EMEA, and to work with initiatives like OONI (Observatory of Internet Interference:​ A free global observation network for detecting censorshipsurveillance ​and traffic manipulation ​on the internet) to promote evidence based policy making.+The Cyprus ​EMEA Observatory is a legal entity that brings together individuals ​and organisations interested, in the first instance, in the researchinvestigation ​and analysis ​of current and emergent phenomena in digital culture and rightsinformation freedom ​and control, and in network geopolitcs with a focus on European, Middle Eastern, and African perspectives 
 +  * Conduct research and develop investigative and publication projects
 +  * Report and respond to current events and policy developments and debates
 +  * Disseminate information and findings
 +  * Connect strong collaborators and develop a culture of synergy and exchange across fields and disciplines
 +  * Join research institutions and academic projects
 +  * Develop technologies and tools related to our goals
 +  * Participate and organise conferences,​ exhibitions,​ workshops, educational projects, and other events ​
 +  * Facilitate the conduct of research, manage funds, hire people and services, reimburse travel, accommodation and other costs, pay rent and recurring costs for a physical space, and support our activities in other ways
 +  * Educate
 +  * Observe, assist, mobilise, and raise discussion with regard to policy making
 +  * Investigate censorship, surveillance and traffic manipulation on the internet, open data, transparency,​ access to publicly funded outcomes
 +  * Reflect on technology and our societies
 +  * Connect and invite, think tank/panel
 +  * Follow up on practices that violate digital human rights at a local and international level
 +  * 
 +===== Previous definitions =====
 +This is a humble attempt to set-up or to begin thinking about setting-up an independent Cyprus-based Europe, Middle East and Africa Web / Internet Observatory. ​
 +The purpose is to collect and analyze data, and routes of data through EMEA, and to work with initiatives like OONI (Observatory of Internet Interference:​ A free global observation network for detecting censorship, surveillance and traffic manipulation on the internet) to promote evidence based policy making.
 +http://​pad.hack66.info/​p/​observatory \\
 +23/3/2016 logs:
 +Update: https://​blog.torproject.org/​blog/​ooni-explorer-censorship-and-other-network-anomalies-around-world \\
 +=== Pasted for later formating: === 
 +This is a humble attempt to set-up or to begin thinking about setting-up an independent Cyprus-based Europe, Middle East and Africa Web / Internet Observatory. The purpose is to collect and analyze data on routes of data through EMEA, and to work with initiatives like OONI (Observatory of Internet Interference:​ A free global observation network for detecting censorship, surveillance and traffic manipulation on the internet) to promote evidence based policy making.
 +1. OONI Report for Cyprus (draft)
 +Country: Cyprus ​
 +Probed ISPs: Cytanet
 +Measurement period: June - July 2015
 +What is ooni
 +We’re running [[https://​ooni.torproject.org/​ | OONIprobe]] developed by the Tor project to investigate packet interception through Cypriot ISPs. Ooniprobe collects data about local interference with internet access, and detects surveillance,​ active bandwidth limitations,​ and other kinds of network interference. In the past (find more recent information) it was used to reveal that software such as T-Mobile'​s parental control WebGuard tool also blocked a number of websites including Newgrounds, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and the Tor Project itself as well as to confirm the take-down of news-websites in Palestine (Zhang, 2012).
 +Ooni collects data on individual computers about local interference with Internet access. The probe, developed by Tor engineers Arturo Filasto and Jacob Appelbaum, detects surveillance,​ active bandwidth limitations,​ and other types of network interference. According to OONI's mission statement, "This is a human rights observation project for the Internet. OONI seeks to observe levels of surveillance,​ censorship, and networked discrimination by networked authoritarian power structures."​
 +We've so far run Ooni probe on Cytanet. ​
 +Report link:
 +Our game is to additionally generate reports for:
 +    Cablenet
 +    DragonNET
 +    Logosnet
 +    Netway
 +    PrimeTel
 +    OTEnet Telecom
 +    ThunderWorx
 http://​pad.hack66.info/​p/​observatory http://​pad.hack66.info/​p/​observatory
 +Cyprus online censorship refs
 +Preliminary Bibliography
 +Legal grounds for State Surveilance refs
 +ΑΣΤΥΝΟΜΙΑ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ - Τμήμα Ανιχνεύσεως Εγκλημάτων (Γ’). (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2015, from http://​www.police.gov.cy/​police/​police.nsf/​All/​ACD1089AAF7A228FC22579170025CB0B?​OpenDocument ​
 +91(I)/2014 - http://​www.cylaw.org/​nomoi/​arith/​2014_1_91.pdf
 +92(I)/96 -  http://​www.cylaw.org/​nomoi/​indexes/​1996_1_92.html
 +Cyprus Internet Refs
 +Telecommunications in Cyprus. (2015, June 13). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://​en.wikipedia.org/​w/​index.php?​title=Telecommunications_in_Cyprus&​oldid=666756093 ​
 +Cyprus Internet Exchange. (2015, April 27). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://​en.wikipedia.org/​w/​index.php?​title=Cyprus_Internet_Exchange&​oldid=659487125 ​
 +Cyprus : Internet Usage in Cyprus. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2015, from http://​www.cyprusbroadband.net/​internet-usage-cyprus.html ​
 +Cyprus Safer Internet Hotline. (2012, February 20). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://​en.wikipedia.org/​w/​index.php?​title=Cyprus_Safer_Internet_Hotline&​oldid=477851764 ​
 +Cyberethics. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2015, from http://​www.cyberethics.info/​cyethics1/ ​
 +Vassiliadou,​ M. (2007). European Media Governance: National and Regional Dimensions. In G. Terzis (Ed.), The Cypriot Media Landscape (pp. 201–212). Intellect Books. ​
 +Cyprus and Censorship Refs (other)
 +Kassem, H. (2002). How the Cairo Times Came to be Published out of Cyprus. In R. Islam (Ed.), The Right to Tell: The Role of Mass Media in Economic Development. World Bank Publications. ​
 +Kaplanian Landscmeeer,​ A. (2010, August). Clandestine Mail - The Cyprus Route Postscript. The Israel Philatelist - August 2010, 128 – 131. 
 +Theofilou, S. (n.d.). Cyprus Civil Censorship (1914-1959). Retrieved June 26, 2015, from http://​www.philokypros.net/​page19/ ​
 +Papadakis, Y., Welz, G., & Peristianis,​ N. (2006). Disclosure and censorship in divided Cyprus: toward an anthropology of ethnic autism. Divided cyprus: Modernity, history, and an island in conflict, 66-83.
 +Censorship Refs
 +Meserve, S. A., & Pemstein, D. (2012). Google politics: the political determinants of internet censorship.
 +Commission of the European Communities. (2000). Communication from the Commission to the Council, The European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Towards a European Research Area. Retrieved from http://​www.earth-prints.org/​handle/​2122/​1826 ​
 +Filastò, A., & Appelbaum, J. (2012). Ooni: Open observatory of network interference. USENIX FOCI. Retrieved from https://​www.usenix.org/​system/​files/​conference/​foci12/​foci12-final12.pdf ​
 +OONI refs
 +Zhang, Q. (2012). Tor Project’s New OONI-Probe Reveals Two Instances of Filtering | OpenNet Initiative. Retrieved from https://​opennet.net/​blog/​2012/​05/​tor-projects-ooni-tool-receives-positive-feedback ​