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phygital [2019/02/20 11:57]
phygital [2019/02/21 13:01] (current)
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 ====== Phygital ====== ====== Phygital ======
-This is where we collect resources ​and links+ 
 +==== Resources ​and Links ====
 [[PhygitalGR | Υλικό για το πρόγραμμα στα ελληνικά]].\\ [[PhygitalGR | Υλικό για το πρόγραμμα στα ελληνικά]].\\
-[[CommoningUnconference19]]\\+[[CommoningUnconference19 ​| Unconference:​ Free and Open Source Technologies,​ Arts, and Commoning Practices]]\\
 [[Lakatamia Makerspace]]\\ [[Lakatamia Makerspace]]\\
 [[Prototypes]]\\ [[Prototypes]]\\
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 [[Tender Announcements]]\\ [[Tender Announcements]]\\
-=== Project Description ===+==== Project Description ​====
 The starting point of the project has been a socio-institutional problem and a tentative techno-economic solution. In the context of the recent developments in the social economic sector, an increasing number of people has been contributing to social innovation projects, striving to create sustainable options for surpassing the deep economic, social and environmental crisis in Europe. However, these communities face certain challenges in creating sustainable livelihoods and in supporting the appropriate organisational and governance structures. At the same time, the wide diffusion of ICT and the decentralisation of the means of information production pose as an untapped opportunity,​ in providing new techno-economic blueprints for sustainability. ​ The starting point of the project has been a socio-institutional problem and a tentative techno-economic solution. In the context of the recent developments in the social economic sector, an increasing number of people has been contributing to social innovation projects, striving to create sustainable options for surpassing the deep economic, social and environmental crisis in Europe. However, these communities face certain challenges in creating sustainable livelihoods and in supporting the appropriate organisational and governance structures. At the same time, the wide diffusion of ICT and the decentralisation of the means of information production pose as an untapped opportunity,​ in providing new techno-economic blueprints for sustainability. ​
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 PHYGITAL adopts a multi-level approach, in order to bring together diverse stakeholders and promote synergy on local, transnational and global level, by: (a) developing a multilingual open knowledge platform, which will host, organise & diffuse the global knowledge commons; (b) developing and connecting open collaborative production spaces (makerspaces),​ equipped with distributed manufacturing technologies,​ to catalyse the relevant physical practices in scalable pilot programmes, taking place in 3 thematic areas: agriculture (Greece); social arts practices (Cyprus) & cultural heritage (Albania) and (c) supporting the emerging entrepreneurial practices through the Phygital Network, an open, decentralised network of businesses & professionals,​ dedicated to the empowerment of innovation and social entrepreneurship on transnational level. PHYGITAL adopts a multi-level approach, in order to bring together diverse stakeholders and promote synergy on local, transnational and global level, by: (a) developing a multilingual open knowledge platform, which will host, organise & diffuse the global knowledge commons; (b) developing and connecting open collaborative production spaces (makerspaces),​ equipped with distributed manufacturing technologies,​ to catalyse the relevant physical practices in scalable pilot programmes, taking place in 3 thematic areas: agriculture (Greece); social arts practices (Cyprus) & cultural heritage (Albania) and (c) supporting the emerging entrepreneurial practices through the Phygital Network, an open, decentralised network of businesses & professionals,​ dedicated to the empowerment of innovation and social entrepreneurship on transnational level.
-Detailed ​Phygital ​description ​as developed by the lead partner+---- 
 +==== Detailed description ​====
 The starting point of the project has been a socio-institutional problem and a tentative techno-economic solution. In the context of the recent developments in the social economic sector, an increasing number of people has been contributing to social innovation projects, striving to create sustainable options for surpassing the deep economic, social and environmental crisis in Europe. However, these communities face certain challenges in creating sustainable livelihoods and in supporting the appropriate organisational and governance structures. At the same time, the wide diffusion of ICT and the decentralisation of the means of information production pose as an untapped opportunity,​ in providing new techno-economic blueprints for sustainability. ​ The starting point of the project has been a socio-institutional problem and a tentative techno-economic solution. In the context of the recent developments in the social economic sector, an increasing number of people has been contributing to social innovation projects, striving to create sustainable options for surpassing the deep economic, social and environmental crisis in Europe. However, these communities face certain challenges in creating sustainable livelihoods and in supporting the appropriate organisational and governance structures. At the same time, the wide diffusion of ICT and the decentralisation of the means of information production pose as an untapped opportunity,​ in providing new techno-economic blueprints for sustainability. ​
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 The PHYGITAL target groups include restless entrepreneurs and freelancers;​ local SMEs and micro-enterprises from different sectors, as well as activists, hobbyists and communities contributing to open source and social innovation projects and the wider public. The added value of the project lies in the empowerment of more people to adopt sustainable patterns and work towards making a positive social impact, by co-designing and co-producing new solutions for local challenges and openly sharing the benefits on a global level. The PHYGITAL target groups include restless entrepreneurs and freelancers;​ local SMEs and micro-enterprises from different sectors, as well as activists, hobbyists and communities contributing to open source and social innovation projects and the wider public. The added value of the project lies in the empowerment of more people to adopt sustainable patterns and work towards making a positive social impact, by co-designing and co-producing new solutions for local challenges and openly sharing the benefits on a global level.
 +==== Understanding the Set-up ====
 The project idea has been initiated by the ongoing discussions over the long-lasting disparities in the Balkan-Mediterranean region, developed by 3 organisations from the wider area, namely: Stichting Peer to Peer Alternatives - Greece (a.k.a. “P2P Lab”); ARTos Foundation, along with its hosted hacker-community “hHack66” - Cyprus; and Open Labs - Albania. They have all joined forces under the umbrella of the Greek Free Open Source Software Society (GFOSS) to design a project that will provide sustainable alternatives for innovative entrepreneurship,​ within the current unfavourable business environment in the area, inspired by the open source movement and various collaborative practices. In response, the Municipality of North Tzoumerka, the University of Nicosia Research Foundation (UNRF) and the Centre of Folklore Activities, came to support this initiative, aiming to bring together local stakeholders from different domains along with various open creative communities. The project idea has been initiated by the ongoing discussions over the long-lasting disparities in the Balkan-Mediterranean region, developed by 3 organisations from the wider area, namely: Stichting Peer to Peer Alternatives - Greece (a.k.a. “P2P Lab”); ARTos Foundation, along with its hosted hacker-community “hHack66” - Cyprus; and Open Labs - Albania. They have all joined forces under the umbrella of the Greek Free Open Source Software Society (GFOSS) to design a project that will provide sustainable alternatives for innovative entrepreneurship,​ within the current unfavourable business environment in the area, inspired by the open source movement and various collaborative practices. In response, the Municipality of North Tzoumerka, the University of Nicosia Research Foundation (UNRF) and the Centre of Folklore Activities, came to support this initiative, aiming to bring together local stakeholders from different domains along with various open creative communities.
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 The PHYGITAL target groups include restless entrepreneurs and freelancers seeking to make a difference; local SMEs and micro-enterprises,​ farmers, artists and cultural stakeholders,​ as well as individuals,​ activists, hobbyists and communities contributing to collaborative and open source projects and the wider public. In general, more people motivated to work on making a positive social impact, by co-designing and co-producing new solutions for local challenges and openly sharing the benefits. The PHYGITAL target groups include restless entrepreneurs and freelancers seeking to make a difference; local SMEs and micro-enterprises,​ farmers, artists and cultural stakeholders,​ as well as individuals,​ activists, hobbyists and communities contributing to collaborative and open source projects and the wider public. In general, more people motivated to work on making a positive social impact, by co-designing and co-producing new solutions for local challenges and openly sharing the benefits.
-=== DETAILS OF PROJECTS ​===+---- 
 +==== Project details ====
 The project idea has been initiated by the ongoing discussions over the long-lasting disparities in the Balkan-Mediterranean region, developed by 3 organisations from the wider area, namely: Stichting Peer to Peer Alternatives - Greece (a.k.a. “P2P Lab”); Municipality of Lakatamia, along with its hosted hacker-community “hHack66” - Cyprus; and Open Labs - Albania. They have all joined forces under the umbrella of the Greek Free Open Source Software Society (GFOSS) to design a project that will provide sustainable alternatives for innovative entrepreneurship,​ within the current unfavourable business environment in the area, inspired by the open source movement and various collaborative practices. In response, the Municipality of North Tzoumerka, the University of Nicosia Research Foundation (UNRF) and the Centre of Folklore Activities, came to support this initiative, aiming to bring together local stakeholders from different domains along with various open creative communities. The project idea has been initiated by the ongoing discussions over the long-lasting disparities in the Balkan-Mediterranean region, developed by 3 organisations from the wider area, namely: Stichting Peer to Peer Alternatives - Greece (a.k.a. “P2P Lab”); Municipality of Lakatamia, along with its hosted hacker-community “hHack66” - Cyprus; and Open Labs - Albania. They have all joined forces under the umbrella of the Greek Free Open Source Software Society (GFOSS) to design a project that will provide sustainable alternatives for innovative entrepreneurship,​ within the current unfavourable business environment in the area, inspired by the open source movement and various collaborative practices. In response, the Municipality of North Tzoumerka, the University of Nicosia Research Foundation (UNRF) and the Centre of Folklore Activities, came to support this initiative, aiming to bring together local stakeholders from different domains along with various open creative communities.
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 The PHYGITAL target groups include restless entrepreneurs and freelancers seeking to make a difference; local SMEs and micro-enterprises,​ farmers, artists and cultural stakeholders,​ as well as individuals,​ activists, hobbyists and communities contributing to collaborative and open source projects and the wider public. In general, more people motivated to work on making a positive social impact, by co-designing and co-producing new solutions for local challenges and openly sharing the benefits. The PHYGITAL target groups include restless entrepreneurs and freelancers seeking to make a difference; local SMEs and micro-enterprises,​ farmers, artists and cultural stakeholders,​ as well as individuals,​ activists, hobbyists and communities contributing to collaborative and open source projects and the wider public. In general, more people motivated to work on making a positive social impact, by co-designing and co-producing new solutions for local challenges and openly sharing the benefits.
-=== Objectives of the Project ===+==== Objectives of the Project ​====
 In line with the programme’s priorities, the project aims to promote cooperation and bridge territorial disparities,​ by enabling open information sharing and empowering bottom-up collaborative practices. Specifically,​ the project’s global objective is to pilot, evaluate and promote an emerging production and business model that is expected to boost the overall competitiveness and entrepreneurship in the area, by fostering social innovation. To this end, the project’s specific objectives are:\\ In line with the programme’s priorities, the project aims to promote cooperation and bridge territorial disparities,​ by enabling open information sharing and empowering bottom-up collaborative practices. Specifically,​ the project’s global objective is to pilot, evaluate and promote an emerging production and business model that is expected to boost the overall competitiveness and entrepreneurship in the area, by fostering social innovation. To this end, the project’s specific objectives are:\\
 to develop the necessary conditions and build the relevant techno-social competences that would engage people in open collaboration and organisation;​\\ to develop the necessary conditions and build the relevant techno-social competences that would engage people in open collaboration and organisation;​\\
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