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wiki:commguide [2015/07/17 10:37]
local created
wiki:commguide [2015/07/17 10:37] (current)
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 When there is a hack66 event or a development to announce, announce it as soon as possible. \\ When there is a hack66 event or a development to announce, announce it as soon as possible. \\
 Only make announcements that you are personally willing and able to support.\\ Only make announcements that you are personally willing and able to support.\\
-Announcements go on: [[http://​hack66.info/​wiki:​mailing_list|the mailing list]],​[[start|wiki startpage]],​ [[https://​www.facebook.com/​groups/​hack66/?​fref=ts|facebook group]] (optional).\\+Announcements go on: [[http://​hack66.info/​wiki:​mailing_list|the mailing list]],[[http://​hack66.info/​start|wiki startpage]],​ [[https://​www.facebook.com/​groups/​hack66/?​fref=ts|facebook group]] (optional).\\
 **Sharing policy**\\ **Sharing policy**\\