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wiki:event:functionalhardware [2014/11/11 11:35]
misaakidis Updated fb event link
wiki:event:functionalhardware [2015/02/01 18:59] (current)
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 ====== Functional Hardware Exchange / Recycling / Donation Party ====== ====== Functional Hardware Exchange / Recycling / Donation Party ======
 +a hack66 & Lefkosia Hackerspace collaboration
 +=== Sunday 23/11, 17:00 ===
 +[[wiki:​projects:​whatallthislookslike|Go here to see what this looked like]]
 \\ \\
-{{:​wiki:​event:​maxresdefault.jpg?​direct&​600|}}+Hackware needed!\\
 \\ \\
 +Do you have a piece of (functioning) hardware that you no longer need? Do you want to free up all that space now occupied by unused electronic devices?\\
 +If your answer is yes, then look no further! Come by our establishments and find some similarly technologically challenged individual willing to take your useless (?) stuff off your hands!\\
 +Our mission:\\
 +With old laptops, in particular, we pledge to refurbish them, install Linux and other open source software, and set up a mobile lab to be loaned out to schools and used for educational workshops.\\
 +Power and soldering tools (even if just for the day) are extremely welcome!\\
 + \\
 +There will be drinks (donationware,​ though you are free to bring your own)\\
 +AND a live (hardware themed) set by the formidable [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=nkME-_obZKY|Tomash Ghz]]!\\
 \\ \\
-Hackware needed.. +Join us in organising this event by listing ​your available / wanted hardware ​and any other ideas at: http://​pad.hack66.info/​p/​functionalhardware\\ 
-Do you have a piece of (functioning) hardware that you no longer need? \\ +Contact point: Chrystalleni at 99586369 / Constantinos at 99606547\\ 
-Do you want to free up all that space now occupied ​by unused electronic devices?​\\ + \\ 
-If your answer is yes, then look no further! \\ +Facebook event: ​https://​www.facebook.com/​events/​1487078978219702/\\
-Come by our establishments ​and find some similarly technologically challenged individual willing to exchange / take your useless (?) stuff off your hands!\\ +
-\\ +
-also, there will be booze...\\ +
-\\ +
-organising pad: requests / ideas: http://​pad.hack66.info/​p/​functionalhardware +
- +
- +
 for inspiration:​\\ ​ for inspiration:​\\ ​