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commoningunconference19 [2019/03/08 05:50]
commoningunconference19 [2019/05/02 15:19] (current)
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 {{:​undefined:​re_aphrodite_athina_2017_copyheart_-_small.jpg?​nolink&​500|}} {{:​undefined:​re_aphrodite_athina_2017_copyheart_-_small.jpg?​nolink&​500|}}
-====== Free and Open Source ​Technologies,​ Arts and Commoning Practices: An Unconference about Art, Design, Technology, Making, Cities and their Communities ====== ​            +====== ​ Free/​Libre* ​Technologies,​ Arts and the Commons: An Unconference about Art, Design, Technology, Making, Cities and their Communities ====== ​            
 The Unconference is organized by the University of Nicosia Research Foundation as part of project PHYGITAL, and co-organized in collaboration with the Fine Arts Programme, Department of Design and Multimedia, hack66, and the Municipality of Lakatamia.\\ The Unconference is organized by the University of Nicosia Research Foundation as part of project PHYGITAL, and co-organized in collaboration with the Fine Arts Programme, Department of Design and Multimedia, hack66, and the Municipality of Lakatamia.\\
 **Dates: Thursday, May 30th - Saturday June 1st, 2019\\ **Dates: Thursday, May 30th - Saturday June 1st, 2019\\
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 ==== Community Updates ====  ==== Community Updates ==== 
-Participation in the Unconference is free and open.\\ + 
-EXTENDED Deadline for first-day presentation submissions:​ 10/​3/​2019\\ +- [[https://​www.unconference.futureworldscenter.org/​|Preliminary Programme on the Future Worlds Centre website]] 
-Please forward this call and join our backchannel:​ https://​vector.im/​beta/#/​room/#​hack66:​matrix.org \\ [[Unconference Threads]] \\+ 
 +- Silvia Federici is also coming!\\ 
 +- The Updated Schedule for the Unconference Free/Libre Technologies,​ Arts and the Commons is:\\ 
 +30/05/2019: 18.00-21.00 Richard Stallman keynote \\ 
 +31/05/2019: 09:00-20:00 Presentations and panels, including two keynote presentations by Gregory Sholette and Silvia Federici\\ 
 +01/06/ 2019: 10:00- 17:00 Unconference Participatory co-working sessions 
 +Time adjustments might be made to the times of the second and third day\\ 
 +Please be advised that all coffee breaks and lunches during the conference will be provided by the organisers on 31/05 and 01/06.\\ 
 +Participation in the Unconference is free and open.\\ 
 +EXTENDED Deadline for first-day presentation submissions:​ 10/​3/​2019\\ 
 +Please forward this call and join our backchannel:​ https://​vector.im/​beta/#/​room/#​hack66:​matrix.org \\ [[Unconference Threads]] ​\\ 
 +***** Richard M. Stallman suggests a change of title (initially "Free and Open Source Technologies,​ Arts and Commoning Practices"​ in order to preserve the distinction between the Free Software Movement, a movement for freedom, and the "open source"​ idea which is a rival posture which takes an amoral stance. Alternative suggestions from more to less preferable:​\\ 
 +"​Free/​Libre Technologies,​ Arts and Commoning Practices"​\\ 
 +"​Free/​Eleftheres Technologies,​ Arts and Commoning Practices"​\\ 
 +"​Freedom-Respecting Technologies,​ Arts and Commoning Practices"​\\ 
 +"Libre Technologies,​ Arts and Commoning Practices"​\\ 
 +"​Free/​Libre and/or Open Source Technologies,​ Arts and Commoning Practices"​\\
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 ==== Confirmed speakers ==== ==== Confirmed speakers ====
 +Silvia Federici\\
 [[https://​stallman.org/​ | Dr Richard M. Stallman]]\\ [[https://​stallman.org/​ | Dr Richard M. Stallman]]\\
 Dr Luiz Guilherme Vergara\\ Dr Luiz Guilherme Vergara\\