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observatory [2019/06/05 11:50]
observatory [2019/06/06 11:16] (current)
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 ===== Cyprus EMEA Observatory ===== ===== Cyprus EMEA Observatory =====
-The Cyprus EMEA Observatory is a legal entity that brings together individuals and organisations interested in research, ​investigative activity ​and analysis of current and upcoming ​phenomena in network geopolitcs, ​digital ​cultures, information freedom ​or control, human-centered XXX  +The Cyprus EMEA Observatory is a legal entity that brings together individuals and organisations interested, in the first instance, ​in the research, ​investigation ​and analysis of current and emergent ​phenomena in digital ​culture and rights, information freedom ​and control, ​and in network geopolitcs with a focus on European, Middle Eastern, and African perspectives. ​  
 +  * Conduct research and develop investigative and publication projects 
 +  * Report and respond to current events and policy developments and debates 
 +  * Disseminate information and findings 
 +  * Connect strong collaborators and develop a culture of synergy and exchange across fields and disciplines 
 +  * Join research institutions and academic projects 
 +  * Develop technologies and tools related to our goals 
 +  * Participate and organise conferences,​ exhibitions,​ workshops, educational projects, and other events  
 +  * Facilitate the conduct of research, manage funds, hire people and services, reimburse travel, accommodation and other costs, pay rent and recurring costs for a physical space, and support our activities in other ways 
 +  * Educate 
 +  * Observe, assist, mobilise, and raise discussion with regard to policy making 
 +  * Investigate censorship, surveillance and traffic manipulation on the internet, open data, transparency,​ access to publicly funded outcomes 
 +  * Reflect on technology and our societies 
 +  * Connect and invite, think tank/​panel 
 +  * Follow up on practices that violate digital ​human rights at a local and international level 
 +  *  
 +===== Previous definitions ===== 
 This is a humble attempt to set-up or to begin thinking about setting-up an independent Cyprus-based Europe, Middle East and Africa Web / Internet Observatory. ​ This is a humble attempt to set-up or to begin thinking about setting-up an independent Cyprus-based Europe, Middle East and Africa Web / Internet Observatory. ​
 The purpose is to collect and analyze data, and routes of data through EMEA, and to work with initiatives like OONI (Observatory of Internet Interference:​ A free global observation network for detecting censorship, surveillance and traffic manipulation on the internet) to promote evidence based policy making. The purpose is to collect and analyze data, and routes of data through EMEA, and to work with initiatives like OONI (Observatory of Internet Interference:​ A free global observation network for detecting censorship, surveillance and traffic manipulation on the internet) to promote evidence based policy making.