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observatory [2019/06/05 16:59]
observatory [2019/06/06 11:16] (current)
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 ===== Cyprus EMEA Observatory ===== ===== Cyprus EMEA Observatory =====
-The Cyprus EMEA Observatory is a legal entity that brings together individuals and organisations interested in research, ​investigative activity ​and analysis of current and upcoming ​phenomena in network geopolitcs, ​digital ​cultures, information freedom ​or control, ​human-centered XXX  +The Cyprus EMEA Observatory is a legal entity that brings together individuals and organisations interested, in the first instance, ​in the research, ​investigation ​and analysis of current and emergent ​phenomena in digital ​culture and rights, information freedom ​and control, ​and in network geopolitcs with a focus on European, Middle Eastern, and African perspectives. ​ 
-Goals +Activities 
-  * Investigate the  +  * Conduct research and develop investigative and publication projects 
-  * Strong ​collaborators+  * Report and respond to current events and policy developments and debates 
 +  * Disseminate information and findings 
 +  * Connect strong ​collaborators ​and develop a culture of synergy and exchange across fields and disciplines 
 +  * Join research institutions and academic projects 
 +  * Develop technologies and tools related to our goals 
 +  * Participate and organise conferences,​ exhibitions,​ workshops, educational projects, and other events  
 +  * Facilitate the conduct of research, manage funds, hire people and services, reimburse travel, accommodation and other costs, pay rent and recurring costs for a physical space, and support our activities in other ways 
 +  * Educate 
 +  * Observe, assist, mobilise, and raise discussion with regard to policy making 
 +  * Investigate censorship, surveillance and traffic manipulation on the internet, open data, transparency,​ access to publicly funded outcomes
   * Reflect on technology and our societies   * Reflect on technology and our societies
-  * Raise discussion on policy 
   * Connect and invite, think tank/panel   * Connect and invite, think tank/panel
 +  * Follow up on practices that violate digital human rights at a local and international level
   *    * 
-Activities + 
-  * Join research institution and academic projects +____________________ 
-  * Develop technologies and tools in accordance to our goals + 
-  * Participate and organized related events +===== Previous definitions =====
-  * Receive public and private sector funds to conduct research, hire people and services, reimburse travel/​accommodation/​food costs, pay the rent to our physical space, support our activities +
-  * Disseminate our findings +
-  * Educate +
-  * Assist in policy making +
-  * Open data, transparency,​ access to publicly funded outcomes, XXX+
 This is a humble attempt to set-up or to begin thinking about setting-up an independent Cyprus-based Europe, Middle East and Africa Web / Internet Observatory. ​ This is a humble attempt to set-up or to begin thinking about setting-up an independent Cyprus-based Europe, Middle East and Africa Web / Internet Observatory. ​