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unconference_bios [2019/02/20 12:44]
unconference_bios [2019/02/20 12:45] (current)
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 ==== Invited Speakers ==== ==== Invited Speakers ====
-----+Dr Richard M. Stallman\\ 
 +Dr Luiz Guilherme Vergara\\ 
 +Dr Johan Soderberg\\ 
 +Dr Gabriele de Seta\\ 
 +**Gabriele de Seta** is a media anthropologist. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. His research work, grounded on ethnographic engagement across multiple sites, focuses on digital media practices and vernacular creativity in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. He is also interested in experimental music scenes, internet art, and collaborative intersections between anthropology and art practice. More information is available on his website http://​paranom.asia\\ 
 +Harriet Poppy Speed and Dr Lynn Jones\\ 
 +Dr Gregory Sholette\\
-==== Scientific Committee ==== 
 ---- ----
 +==== Scientific Committee ====
 **Helene Black** is an artist, educator, cofounder and treasurer of the interdisciplinary NGO NeMe. Since 1992, she lives and works in Limassol, Cyprus. To date, she has 16 one person shows, numerous group shows both in Cyprus and abroad. In addition, on behalf of NeMe, she has curated, co-curated, organised and project managed exhibitions,​ conferences,​ seminars, workshops and open calls. She is the Director of a Private Art School she founded during 1995 which focuses on adult education encouraging and preparing mature age students to pursue long distance university courses or attend local universities.\\ **Helene Black** is an artist, educator, cofounder and treasurer of the interdisciplinary NGO NeMe. Since 1992, she lives and works in Limassol, Cyprus. To date, she has 16 one person shows, numerous group shows both in Cyprus and abroad. In addition, on behalf of NeMe, she has curated, co-curated, organised and project managed exhibitions,​ conferences,​ seminars, workshops and open calls. She is the Director of a Private Art School she founded during 1995 which focuses on adult education encouraging and preparing mature age students to pursue long distance university courses or attend local universities.\\