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wiki:about [2014/11/20 10:13]
wiki:about [2019/02/23 20:28] (current)
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 ====== About #hack66 ====== ====== About #hack66 ======
 +We have different ways of describing what this is and who we are. \\
 +In plainspeak, #hack66 is an innovation centre/​hackerspace hybrid that is only just beginning to take form, <​del>​with real-space premises at the [[http://​www.artosfoundation.org/​index.htm|Artos Cultural and Research Foundation]]</​del>,​ in Nicosia Cyprus. It is open and welcoming to all, providing infrastructure and collaboration opportunities for anyone interested in programming,​ hardware, crafts, science, robotics, halloumi, art, and technology. ​ We teach, we learn, and we share openly, with no leaders. Following the hackerspace spirit, we have one rule: **Be excellent to each other**.\\
-**#​hack66** ​is an innovation centre/​hackerspace hybrid ​that is only just beginning ​to take form, with real-space premises at the [[http://​www.artosfoundation.org/​index.htm|Artos Cultural ​and Research Foundation]]in Nicosia Cyprus.\\ +**As a physical platform ​#​hack66 ​combines three elements:** \\ 
-\\+**A hacker space** (a place where artists, programmers,​ inventors gather, exchange ideas, use free open platforms and bring new innovative projects, ideas, policies and actions ​that can be considered as new products and addressed ​to the society), \\ 
 +**A center of innovation** (a place to attract creative ​and innovative thinkers, support, mentor and network them and secure the implementation), \\ 
 +**A fablab** that brings new experience and training on new technologies through practical workshops, i.e. 3D design & printing, to the local creative industry by utilizing experts, local or international. ​\\
-#​hack66 ​is open and welcoming ​to allproviding infrastructure and collaboration opportunities for anyone interested in programming,​ hardware, crafts, science, robotics, halloumi, art, and technology We teachwe learn, and we share openlywith no leaders. Following ​the hackerspace spiritwe have one rule: **Be excellent to each other**.\\+**#​hack66 ​has so far developed the following structure ​and capacity:​**\\ 
 +#hack66 has been able to function on three levels: the “core”consisting of specific project coordinatorsmentors ​and the interaction between them; the “suburbs” where there is interaction with other similar projects and organizations that have an interest/​benefit in this (i.e. local authoritiesinvestorslocal industry ​and individuals)and the “periphery” which is the general audience and the mediathat can have a fortnightly presentation/​dialogue and training.\\
-**Opening hours**\\+====== ​Opening hours ======
 Come along on one of our [[wiki:​event:​openweds|Open Wednesdays]] for starters!\\ Come along on one of our [[wiki:​event:​openweds|Open Wednesdays]] for starters!\\
-**What can I do here?​**\\ ​ 
-Meet techie, arty, and crafty people, take a class, teach a class, use the tools, build something out of stuff that's lying around, use the [[wiki:​project:​bookcrossing_zone|library]],​ surf the web and so on. Please refrain from nuclear testing in the garden.\\ 
-**Getting Here** ​\\+====== What can I do here? ====== ​  
 +Meet techie, arty, and crafty people ​\\ 
 +Show what you've been working on \\ 
 +Ask questions and find help for something you want to build \\ 
 +Find tools to borrow or workshops to get help from (by asking around we figure we can pretty much find just about anything, this theory is currently being tested) \\ 
 +Build something out of stuff that's lying around \\ 
 +Join a running project \\ 
 +Claim a quiet place to do your own work, among other things\\ 
 +Oh and try to beat the high score on the "​thing"​\\ 
 +Please refrain from nuclear testing in the garden.\\ 
 +====== Getting Here ====== ​
 See [[wiki:​location|Location]] \\ See [[wiki:​location|Location]] \\
 +====== FAQ ====== ​
 **Do I need to be a member?**\\ **Do I need to be a member?**\\
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 **How do I become a member?**\\ **How do I become a member?**\\
-2b1ask1: To be one ask one. Come and introduce yourself get to know us, see the place and if you feel the vibe, you're welcome to our space. Also create an account in this [[http://​hack66.info/​start?​do=register|wiki]]. \\+2b1ask1: To be one ask one. Come and introduce yourself get to know us, see the place and if you feel the vibe, you're welcome to our space. Also create an account in this [[http://​hack66.info/​start?​do=register|wiki]].\\ If you'd like to become a Keyholder, [[wiki:​membership|keep reading]].\\ 
 +**The infrastructure**\\ 
 +Working on it [[wiki:​infrastructure|here]].\\
 **Meetings**\\ **Meetings**\\
-Meetings are every Wednesday ​at 7:​30pm, ​we [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​start|assembly]] co agree on what needs be doing.\\+Meetings are every Wednesday we [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​start|assembly]] co agree on what needs be doing.\\
 Minutes from previous assemblies are logged in this wiki.\\ Minutes from previous assemblies are logged in this wiki.\\
 +Hack66 doesn'​t have a whole lot of its own tools at the moment, but the community is ever-growing as a network of practitioners who are willing to share knowledge and resources off-site. It's likely we can help you with what you need and bring you in touch with people with similar interests. ​
 **Where can I find out more?**\\ **Where can I find out more?**\\
-The wiki duh... And the [[wiki:​mailing_list|[#​hack66] Mailing List]]!+The wiki duh... And the [[wiki:​mailing_list|[#​hack66] Mailing List]]!\\ 
 +Or you might prefer the [[https://​www.facebook.com/​groups/​hack66/?​fref=ts|facebook group]].\\ 
 +Or you can come along on a Wednesday!
 **Events, workshops, classes!**\\ **Events, workshops, classes!**\\