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wiki:event:beerasm:2014_05_07 [2014/04/30 18:35]
local [Agenda]
wiki:event:beerasm:2014_05_07 [2014/05/14 17:47] (current)
observer [Meeting summary and action items]
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 ===== Agenda ===== ===== Agenda =====
 +    * Connect with virtual participants
     * Announcements     * Announcements
 +    * Infrastructure
 +    * Events
     * Open Floor     * Open Floor
-Leftovers from last week:\\+From last week:\\
 4.1.Logo\\ ​ 4.1.Logo\\ ​
 4.2.Push projects to #hack66 repo - github\\ ​ 4.2.Push projects to #hack66 repo - github\\ ​
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 =====  Participants ​ ===== =====  Participants ​ =====
 + ​observer,​ maria, [[wiki:​user:​misaakidis|misaakidis]],​ [[wiki:​user:​local|local]],​ nseps, costas, kyriakos ​
 ===== Meeting summary and action items  ===== ===== Meeting summary and action items  =====
 +*IRC: For access so you can change topic can be obtained by having a registered nick on freenode and contact Prometheas
 +*Facebook: Cover photo to updated & send it to everyone, check the colours. Start using our group #hack66
 +*Events ideas: Contact Tomash for a presentation of his work and also contact Qpolitics for a presentation
 +*Seedbombing:​ Technical difficulties with the console resolved(nee can show costas so he wont have to wait for ccmc)
 +*Party/​hackanoon:​ Find date. Decide on what kind of party can be done. A [[http://​hackanoon.com/​|hackanoon]] event with after party 
 +*Github: Push code on [[https://​github.com/​hack66|Github]]
 ===== Next meeting ====== ===== Next meeting ======
 [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​2014_05_14|General Assembly - 14 May 2014]] [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​2014_05_14|General Assembly - 14 May 2014]]