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wiki:event:beerasm:start [2014/08/06 11:26]
wiki:event:beerasm:start [2018/09/04 13:48] (current)
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 ====== Beer Assembly - beer.asm ====== ====== Beer Assembly - beer.asm ======
-**Wednesdays ​19:00**+**Wednesdays ​20:00**\\ 
 +Open to everyone.\\ 
 +Sometimes there are minutes, in which case we log them below.\\ 
 +Join us, virtually as well, on [[wiki:​contact:​irc|#​hack66 in Freenode]].
-Wednesdays are [[wiki:​event:​openweds|Open Days]]! [From September Onwards]\\ 
-The space is available for us to work in from 10am. Get in touch in advance if it's your first time.\\ 
-Beer General Assembly at 19:00 (currently in summer mode - emphasis on the beer).\\ 
-Join us, virtually as well, at [[https://​appear.in/​hack66|appear.in/​hack66]]\\ 
-==== Next Assembly ==== 
-Summer mode! For the duration of August 2014 we're moving the beer assemblies to [[https://​www.facebook.com/​brewfellas|Brewfellas]] in the old city of Nicosia. Join us.. 
-==== Past Assemblies ​====+==== Past Assembly minutes ​==== 
 +We've stopped doing this. 
 +[[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​2016_04_20|General Assembly - 20 April 2016]]\\
 [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​2014_05_21|General Assembly - 21 May 2014]]\\ [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​2014_05_21|General Assembly - 21 May 2014]]\\
 [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​2014_05_14|General Assembly - 14 May 2014]]\\ [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​2014_05_14|General Assembly - 14 May 2014]]\\