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wiki:event:openweds [2015/10/15 13:15]
wiki:event:openweds [2015/10/21 16:44] (current)
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 Wednesdays are Open Days! \\ Wednesdays are Open Days! \\
-You are welcome to use the space from 10am onwards, but do get in touch in advance to make sure one or more of us are there.\\+You are welcome to use the space from 10am onwards, but do get in touch in advance to make sure somewhat is there to let you in & give you a tour.\\
 An unpredictable number of us tend to show up for drinks & occasionally a barbecue around 8pm. We call this the [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​start|Beer Assembly - beer.asm]].\\ An unpredictable number of us tend to show up for drinks & occasionally a barbecue around 8pm. We call this the [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​start|Beer Assembly - beer.asm]].\\
 Join us, virtually as well, on [[wiki:​contact:​irc|#​hack66 in Freenode]]. Join us, virtually as well, on [[wiki:​contact:​irc|#​hack66 in Freenode]].