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wiki:event:openweds [2015/10/21 16:43]
wiki:event:openweds [2015/10/21 16:44] (current)
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 Wednesdays are Open Days! \\ Wednesdays are Open Days! \\
 You are welcome to use the space from 10am onwards, but do get in touch in advance to make sure somewhat is there to let you in & give you a tour.\\ You are welcome to use the space from 10am onwards, but do get in touch in advance to make sure somewhat is there to let you in & give you a tour.\\
-An unpredictable number of us tend to show up for drinks & occasionally a barbecue around 8pm (again, get in touch if you'd like to join, to make sure it's happening). We call this the [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​start|Beer Assembly - beer.asm]].\\+An unpredictable number of us tend to show up for drinks & occasionally a barbecue around 8pm. We call this the [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​start|Beer Assembly - beer.asm]].\\
 Join us, virtually as well, on [[wiki:​contact:​irc|#​hack66 in Freenode]]. Join us, virtually as well, on [[wiki:​contact:​irc|#​hack66 in Freenode]].