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wiki:events:hfd2015 [2015/01/10 21:40]
wiki:events:hfd2015 [2015/02/11 13:31] (current)
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 === NEWS === === NEWS ===
 There'​s a few Arduino projects popping up! \\ There'​s a few Arduino projects popping up! \\
-[[wiki:​user:​misaakidis]] will be showing something, [[wiki:​user:​epistimonas]] is thinking this is a chance to put together a DC power supply (part of another project) using an Arduino board, and more. In short, if you're working on an Arduino-related anything, or if you're just interested, this is for you.\\+[[wiki:​user:​misaakidis]] will be showing something ​([[http://​misaakidis.github.io/​public/​presentations/​ARDUINO_hfd2015.pdf|pdf slides]]), [[wiki:​user:​epistimonas]] is thinking this is a chance to put together a DC power supply (part of another project) using an Arduino board, and more. \\ 
 +In short, if you're working on an Arduino-related anything, or if you're just interested, this is for you.\\
 We're also planning to have a Open Software Bundle to disseminate\\ We're also planning to have a Open Software Bundle to disseminate\\
 \\ \\
 BYOB BYOD (recommending zivania)\\ BYOB BYOD (recommending zivania)\\
 \\ \\
-organisation pad: http://​pad.hack66.info/​p/​HFD_2015+organisation pad: http://​pad.hack66.info/​p/​HFD_2015\\ 
 +Facebook event: [[https://​www.facebook.com/​events/​1400474153584607/​]]
 \\ \\