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wiki:project:acecy [2015/11/06 18:47]
wiki:project:acecy [2015/12/16 14:08] (current)
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 ====== ACEcy / the Structure / Η Δομή ====== ====== ACEcy / the Structure / Η Δομή ======
-===  ​Project ​News ===+fb project page: https://​www.facebook.com/​acecythestructure/​ \\ 
 +fb event: https://​www.facebook.com/​events/​432798213581125/​ \\ 
 +BBQ Tech Demo!\\ 
 +=== News === 
 +[16/​11/​2015] The Structure was built between Monday & Wednesday last week. Steady labour of 4-5 people and the drop-in assistance of 10+. "Bring Your Own Light" was nice and low-key. We used Boombot'​s tangia for speakers. There are photos somewhere.\\
 [06/​11/​2015] We found the materials for the first stage. We're transferring them to the site tomorrow! We start building on Saturday!\\ [06/​11/​2015] We found the materials for the first stage. We're transferring them to the site tomorrow! We start building on Saturday!\\
 [13/​10/​2015] We found some money & are going ahead! \\ [13/​10/​2015] We found some money & are going ahead! \\