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wiki:project:edu [2015/01/05 12:47]
wiki:project:edu [2015/10/15 11:23] (current)
local [Offered on demand / Μπορούμε να βοηθήσουμε με]
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 EN\\ EN\\
 The idea is simple: share what you know. It's called peer-to-peer learning and it's free. \\ The idea is simple: share what you know. It's called peer-to-peer learning and it's free. \\
-If you need help or wouldn'​t mind helping others with something put it down here!\\ +If you need help or wouldn'​t mind helping others with something put it down here! Below is a list of what we're able to offer so far, and further down is a list of what we'd like to be able to offerGo ahead and add to either list and feel free to move things around. ​\\
-Below is a list of what we're able to offer so far, and further down is a list of what we'd like to be able to offerGo ahead and add to either list and feel free to move things around. ​+
 For a fully updated / easily editable version of this page go [[http://​pad.hack66.info/​p/​learning|Ηere]]\\ ​ For a fully updated / easily editable version of this page go [[http://​pad.hack66.info/​p/​learning|Ηere]]\\ ​
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 ===== Offered on demand / Μπορούμε να βοηθήσουμε με ===== ===== Offered on demand / Μπορούμε να βοηθήσουμε με =====
-- 3D design basics (Costas)\\+- 3D design basics ​CAD  solidworck(Costas)\\
 - 3D design, 3D printing, 3D scanning, Prototyping (advanced) (Giannis H.)\\ - 3D design, 3D printing, 3D scanning, Prototyping (advanced) (Giannis H.)\\
 - ANSYS Simulation Software (Giannis H.)\\ - ANSYS Simulation Software (Giannis H.)\\
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 - Open Source Solutions Intro / Εισαγωγή σε λύσεις με Ανοικτό Λογισμικό (Kyriakos)\\ - Open Source Solutions Intro / Εισαγωγή σε λύσεις με Ανοικτό Λογισμικό (Kyriakos)\\
 - Collaboration Apps / Ηλεκτρονική διαχείρηση συνεργασίας ​ (nee)\\ - Collaboration Apps / Ηλεκτρονική διαχείρηση συνεργασίας ​ (nee)\\
 +- Version Control with git (misaakidis)\\
 - ...\\ - ...\\