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wiki:about [2015/07/17 10:33]
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wiki:about [2019/02/23 20:28] (current)
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 We have different ways of describing what this is and who we are. \\ We have different ways of describing what this is and who we are. \\
-In plainspeak, #hack66 is an innovation centre/​hackerspace hybrid that is only just beginning to take form, with real-space premises at the [[http://​www.artosfoundation.org/​index.htm|Artos Cultural and Research Foundation]],​ in Nicosia Cyprus. It is open and welcoming to all, providing infrastructure and collaboration opportunities for anyone interested in programming,​ hardware, crafts, science, robotics, halloumi, art, and technology. ​ We teach, we learn, and we share openly, with no leaders. Following the hackerspace spirit, we have one rule: **Be excellent to each other**.\\+In plainspeak, #hack66 is an innovation centre/​hackerspace hybrid that is only just beginning to take form, <del>with real-space premises at the [[http://​www.artosfoundation.org/​index.htm|Artos Cultural and Research Foundation]]</​del>​, in Nicosia Cyprus. It is open and welcoming to all, providing infrastructure and collaboration opportunities for anyone interested in programming,​ hardware, crafts, science, robotics, halloumi, art, and technology. ​ We teach, we learn, and we share openly, with no leaders. Following the hackerspace spirit, we have one rule: **Be excellent to each other**.\\
 **As a physical platform #hack66 combines three elements:** \\ **As a physical platform #hack66 combines three elements:** \\
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 ====== What can I do here? ======  ​ ====== What can I do here? ======  ​
-Meet techie, arty, and crafty people, take a class, teach a class, use the tools, ​build something out of stuff that's lying around, use the [[wiki:project:​bookcrossing_zone|library]]surf the web and so on\\+Meet techie, arty, and crafty people ​\\ 
 +Show what you've been working on \\ 
 +Ask questions and find help for something you want to build \\ 
 +Find tools to borrow or workshops to get help from (by asking around we figure we can pretty much find just about anythingthis theory is currently being tested) \\ 
 +Build something out of stuff that's lying around ​\\ 
 +Join a running ​project ​\\ 
 +Claim a quiet place to do your own workamong other things\\ 
 +Oh and try to beat the high score on the "​thing"​\\ 
 Please refrain from nuclear testing in the garden.\\ Please refrain from nuclear testing in the garden.\\