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wiki:event:beerasm:2014_04_02 [2014/03/30 15:15]
wiki:event:beerasm:2014_04_02 [2014/04/02 17:27] (current)
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    * Calendar sharing    * Calendar sharing
    * hack66 logo    * hack66 logo
-// +   * Open floor
-// +
- +
- +
 =====  Participants ​ ===== =====  Participants ​ =====
 +  * nseps
 +  * [[wiki:​user:​misaakidis|misaakidis]]
 +  * [[wiki:​user:​local|local]]
 +  * [[wiki:​user:​thrasos|thrasos]]
 +  * mc.theodorides
 +  * yiallif
 +  * costas
 +  * leandros
 ===== Meeting summary and action items  ===== ===== Meeting summary and action items  =====
 +== Announcements ==
 +  * seedbomb of the week is available as a [[http://​listenagain.mycyradio.eu/​index.php?​id=1608|podcast]]
 +  * Working group on consensus next meeting Wed 9/4 18:00
 +  * Organize a working group for the manifest
 +== Infrastructure ==
 +thrasos marios and costas to talk with MTN for collocation
 +== Next week sporovomva ==
 +topic to be discussed in the mailing list
 +== Open floor ==
 +call Achilleas to next assembly
 ===== Next meeting ====== ===== Next meeting ======
 +[[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​2014_04_09|General Assembly - 9 April 2014]]