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wiki:event:beerasm:2014_05_21 [2014/05/13 08:16]
wiki:event:beerasm:2014_05_21 [2014/05/21 18:19] (current)
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 ====== General Assembly - 21 May 2014 ====== ====== General Assembly - 21 May 2014 ======
-===== Agenda ===== +This was a special one.  
-    * Connect ​with virtual participants +It coincided ​with the [[https://​www.facebook.com/​events/​1423480134589951/?​fref=ts|VVVVorkshop by Andrej Boleslavsky]] so it didn't run as usual, & we made contact with two visitors who are working on a [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/745595798790702/?​fref=ts|hackerspace in the north]].
-    * Announcements +
-    * Infrastructure +
-    * Events +
-    * Open Floor +
- +
-From last week:\\ +
- +
-=====  Participants ​ ===== +
-Co-ordinator:​  +
- +
-===== Meeting summary and action items  ===== +
-Etherpad: http://pad.hack66.info/p/beer_asm_2014_05_21+