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wiki:event:vvvv_andrej_workshop [2014/05/05 17:59]
wiki:event:vvvv_andrej_workshop [2014/05/15 13:54] (current)
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 ====== VVVV Multimedia Visual Programming workshop ====== ====== VVVV Multimedia Visual Programming workshop ======
-=== 20/5, 21/5 and 23/5, 17:00-21:00 === +=== 20/5, 21/5 and 23/5/2014, 17:00-21:00 === 
-hack66 [[wiki:​location|Location]]+hack66 [[wiki:​location|Location]]\\ 
 +Facebook event: https://​www.facebook.com/​events/​1423480134589951
 ---- ----
 Are you interested in interactivity;​ in finding creative ways to use it in theater, during live performances and installations or even for video mapping? Are you interested in interactivity;​ in finding creative ways to use it in theater, during live performances and installations or even for video mapping?
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 Participation is free of charge. **Capacity is limited to 6 participants**\\ Participation is free of charge. **Capacity is limited to 6 participants**\\
-Hack 66 members only. We will be very happy to welcome you on board if you are still not part of our group!\\ +Send an email with a small intro about you and why you are interested/​will be benefited by attending at demetra@artosfoundation.org
-Join this wiki and the [[wiki:​mailing_list|[#​hack66] Mailing List]], our [[wiki:​event:​beerasm:​start|Beer Assembly - beer.asm]] or hang out on [[wiki:​contact:​irc|#​hack66 IRC Channel]].\\ +
-Send an email with a small intro about you and why you are interested/​will be benefited by attending at marios@hack66.info+
 The workshop will be held in English. **The Workshop instructor is [[http://​id144.org/​ | Andrej Boleslavsky]]**. The workshop will be held in English. **The Workshop instructor is [[http://​id144.org/​ | Andrej Boleslavsky]]**.