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wiki:events:not_es_on_innovation [2016/05/10 09:08]
wiki:events:not_es_on_innovation [2016/06/06 05:46] (current)
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 ===== Not(es) on Innovation ===== ===== Not(es) on Innovation =====
-All your innovation are belong to us\\ + 
-hack66 was challenged by ARTos to take on something along the lines of “Innovation Night” at [[http://​hack66.info/​wiki:​project:​acecy|the Structure]].\\ +hack66 was challenged by ARTos to take on something along the lines of “Innovation Night” at [[http://​hack66.info/​wiki:​project:​acecy|the Structure]].  
-The initial impulse was one of sorrow for a sorely ​abused keyword, ​but then camerlengo started talking about how copyrighting and patenting have historically been used to delay development,​ and thearchitect ​connected this with issues of organic vs. closed growth in relation to open vs corporate structures, and then local started thinking about how this has everything to do with what we know about organisational conditions for creativity and participation.\\ +We talked about the abused keyword ​aspect of the thingand then camerlengo started talking about how copyrighting and patenting have historically been used to delay development,​ and nsep connected this with issues of organic vs. closed growth in relation to open vs corporate structures. So we have a lot to go on! \\ 
-So we have a lot to go on. \\+ 
 +(All your innovation are belong to us).\\ 
 === Notes on accelerating innovation through openness === === Notes on accelerating innovation through openness ===
-Meeting at the Structure Wednesday 18 May\\ 
 ARTos'​s challenge day: Wednesday June 15\\ ARTos'​s challenge day: Wednesday June 15\\
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 Decentralisation of manufacturing with open hardware / DG-ML\\ Decentralisation of manufacturing with open hardware / DG-ML\\
 Creativity and open organisational practices\\ Creativity and open organisational practices\\
 +Also featuring Henry: on his experiences in London the idea of a culture eating itself through manufactured story telling and the valuing of newness above all else. \\