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wiki:events:not_es_on_innovation [2016/06/06 05:41]
wiki:events:not_es_on_innovation [2016/06/06 05:46] (current)
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 hack66 was challenged by ARTos to take on something along the lines of “Innovation Night” at [[http://​hack66.info/​wiki:​project:​acecy|the Structure]]. ​ hack66 was challenged by ARTos to take on something along the lines of “Innovation Night” at [[http://​hack66.info/​wiki:​project:​acecy|the Structure]]. ​
-We talked about the abused keyword aspect of the thing, and then camerlengo started talking about how copyrighting and patenting have historically been used to delay development,​ and nsep connected this with issues of organic vs. closed growth in relation to open vs corporate structures. ​Building on this, local might make a comment about organisational conditions for creativity and participation,​ and we're also hoping that henry will bring up his experiences in London and the idea of a culture eating itself through manufactured story telling and the valuing of newness above all else.  +We talked about the abused keyword aspect of the thing, and then camerlengo started talking about how copyrighting and patenting have historically been used to delay development,​ and nsep connected this with issues of organic vs. closed growth in relation to open vs corporate structures. So we have a lot to go on\\
- +
-So we have a lot to go on\\+
 (All your innovation are belong to us).\\ (All your innovation are belong to us).\\
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 Decentralisation of manufacturing with open hardware / DG-ML\\ Decentralisation of manufacturing with open hardware / DG-ML\\
 Creativity and open organisational practices\\ Creativity and open organisational practices\\
 +Also featuring Henry: on his experiences in London the idea of a culture eating itself through manufactured story telling and the valuing of newness above all else. \\