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wiki:project:seedbomb [2014/02/09 20:22]
wiki:project:seedbomb [2014/05/14 14:35] (current)
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 An abstract, participatory,​ open source project on technology, music,and other things. \\ An abstract, participatory,​ open source project on technology, music,and other things. \\
 Μαζίν πιάννουμεν πράματα,​ ιδέες, ότι νά ‘ναι, βοηθούμεν τα να δυναμώσουν,​ & ελευθερώννουμεν τα. \\ Μαζίν πιάννουμεν πράματα,​ ιδέες, ότι νά ‘ναι, βοηθούμεν τα να δυναμώσουν,​ & ελευθερώννουμεν τα. \\
 +Here's the schedule: http://​pad.hack66.info/​p/​seedbombing
-\\{{ :wiki:project:2013-12-22-20.43.04.jpg?​300 ​|}}\\ +#​hack66'​s parent projectseedbomb/​sporovomva w/ [[wiki:user:misaakidis|@misaakidis]] & @neeuqii\\
 Broadcasting at [[http://​cut-radio.org/​ | cut-radio.org]] and [[http://​mycyradio.eu/​ | MYCYradio]].\\ Broadcasting at [[http://​cut-radio.org/​ | cut-radio.org]] and [[http://​mycyradio.eu/​ | MYCYradio]].\\
-[[http://​www.mixcloud.com/​sporovomva/​|Mixcloud profile]] with podcasts.+A series of experimental,​ participatory podcasts with news and other things focusing on technology & openness. \\ 
 +Podcast archives: [[http://​listenagain.mycyradio.eu/​index.php?​cat=seedbombing|since July 2013]], ​[[http://​www.mixcloud.com/tag/​sporovomva/​|before July 2013]] \\ 
 +Notable ​podcasts:\\ 
 +Consensus: April 2nd [insert link] [greek] 