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wiki:user:local [2015/10/15 12:30]
wiki:user:local [2018/09/04 13:45] (current)
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-====== local / nee / chrystalleni ​======+====== local / nee ======
 I work on the commons and I come from the arts.\\ I work on the commons and I come from the arts.\\
 Totally serious about campaigning for the role of hack66 Chief Communication'​s Officer [update: I got it. It's official. I may have changed my mind.]\\ Totally serious about campaigning for the role of hack66 Chief Communication'​s Officer [update: I got it. It's official. I may have changed my mind.]\\
-A while ago I co-ordinated an early digital humanities unconference / hackathon in Cyprus (THATCamp Cyprus 2011). Before that I organised a exhibition/​snapshot/​chronicle of Cy online memes in real space (Curating the Virtual, NIMAC, 2008), which included a full wall live projection of #cyprus on IRC, Undernet, of which I really wish I had kept some documentation.\\+A while ago I co-ordinated an early digital humanities unconference / hackathon in Cyprus (THATCamp Cyprus 2011). Before that I organised a exhibition/​snapshot/​chronicle of Cy online memes in real space (Curating the Virtual, NIMAC, 2008), which included a live projection of #cyprus on IRC, Undernet, of which I really wish I had kept some documentation.\\
 I have a long-standing frustration with matters of transparency,​ access to information,​ and the state of the commons in a general sense. I also have a PhD in Cultural Studies focusing on the politics of public art, an MA in design / applied imagination in the creative industries, and a BA in philosophy.\\ I have a long-standing frustration with matters of transparency,​ access to information,​ and the state of the commons in a general sense. I also have a PhD in Cultural Studies focusing on the politics of public art, an MA in design / applied imagination in the creative industries, and a BA in philosophy.\\
 My primary medium is text. \\ My primary medium is text. \\
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 [[wiki:​project:​acecy|acecy]]\\ [[wiki:​project:​acecy|acecy]]\\
 [[wiki:​project:​on digitization]]\\ [[wiki:​project:​on digitization]]\\
-hack66 communications ​infrastructure\\+[[wiki:infrastructure]] \\
 [[wiki:​project:​seedbomb|seedbombing]]\\ [[wiki:​project:​seedbomb|seedbombing]]\\
 [[wiki:​project:​the adafruit deal]]\\ [[wiki:​project:​the adafruit deal]]\\