This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
General Assembly - 7 May 2014
- Connect with virtual participants
- Announcements
- Infrastructure
- Events
- Open Floor
From last week:
4.2.Push projects to #hack66 repo - github
4.3.Kyriakos: Workshops: find workshop leaders for each topic
observer, maria, misaakidis, local, nseps, costas, kyriakos
Meeting summary and action items
*Events ideas: Contact Tomash for a presentation of his work and also contact Qpolitics for a presentation
*Seedbombing: Technical difficulties with the console resolved(nee can show costas so he wont have to wait for ccmc)
*Party/hackanoon: Find date. Decide on what kind of party can be done. A hackanoon event with after party
*Github: Push code on Github